Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church

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ScreenStrong Parent Workshop

Tuesday, October 3
6:00 - 8:00 PM, Cassidy Hall

ScreenStrong EMPOWERS families to RECLAIM their kids from toxic screens (social media, video games, and porn.) Our solutions are SCREEN-SMART, not screen-free. We replace toxic screen use with healthy activities, life skills development, and family connections.

SPEAKER & SCREENSTRONG AMBASSADOR LIAISON Mandee Hamann is a businesswoman and former Early Childhood/Elementary pastor with an additional 10+ years of youth ministry experience alongside her husband, Jeremy. She is mom to 3 teenagers. After her own family struggled with toxic screen issues, she was introduced to ScreenStrong. The ScreenStrong lifestyle changed everything for her family. Mandee became a ScreenStrong Ambassador and is committed to spreading this powerful message. She occasionally guest hosts on the ScreenStrong Families Podcast and is a member of the ScreenStrong team as the Ambassador Liaison. She enjoys training & equipping Ambassadors from all over the globe to spread the ScreenStrong message.