Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church

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Call Me: A Catholic Young Adult’s Guide to Dating, Discernment, and I Do

Five-Part Series: Mondays at 7:00 PM, September 18 - October 16

Join us for an exciting series where we will dive into the world of dating, discernment, and the beauty found in pursuing God’s call as a young Catholic (ages 21-35). Whether you're single or in a relationship, this event is for you!

Call Me will be hosted by Ashley Cermak and Kory LaCroix and will feature Ryan O'Hara and Pat and Kenna Millea of the Martin Center. Discover practical tips and advice on navigating the dating scene while staying true to your Catholic values. We'll explore topics like building healthy relationships, discerning God's call for your life, and preparing for the sacrament of marriage.

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded young adults, gain valuable insights, and have a great time! Come and be part of an event that will empower you in your journey of dating, discernment, and the pursuit of holiness.