Catholic Youth Summer Camp, Northwoods:

Registration is open for Catholic Youth Summer Camp Northwoods 2023!

CYSC Northwoods is hosted at Heartwood Resort and Conference Center (N10884 Hoinville Rd, Trego, WI 54888). Each Session begins with arrival on Sunday in the early afternoon, and ends on Friday with a Closing Mass and Ceremonies for family and friends followed by mid-afternoon departure.

A week of camp will energize your faith and lead you to a personal encounter with Jesus. Each day includes Mass and Prayer Lab, a time for learning how to pray with Scripture, while the week offers opportunities for Reconciliation and Eucharistic Adoration. In addition, each day is filled with fun and activities from archery tag and paintball to the rockwall to a water obstacle course, all designed to bring you into adventure! Evenings lead into programming that invites them to take another step in your relationship with God.

Camp is already filling up for this summer! Here are the sessions that are still available:

Session 1 (Middle School): June 11-16

Session 4 (High School): July 2-7

Session 5 (Middle School): July 9-14

Session 8 (Middle School): July 30-Aug 4

Watch one of our summer montages to get a taste of what a week of camp is like!

To register and to learn more about CYSC, visit If you have any questions you can email or call 740-480-1288 ext. 3.